NFC implant
Our NFC implants are among the most advanced chips available for purchase by individuals.
We get the most out of connectivity in connectivity and comfort. We achieve this with original NXP NFC chips and specially designed biocompatible housing. With just 2x12mm there is no foreign body feeling.
What is an NFC implant?
An NFC implant is a passive transponder that can be connected to an active transponder such as a smart card. an NFC-enabled smartphone can be read or written. On this transponder, i.e. NFC chip implant, it is possible to store small data that can be used for identification or for sharing certain media. The NFC implant was originally created for pets to register and assign them to a specific owner. People often use NFC implants for breeding cattle as an alternative to ear studs. The advantage of this application is that implants can be rewritten to store any allergies or other non-constant characteristics of the animal. After quite some time, it has been realized that NFC implants can also be of great benefit to humans. Thus, from a medical point of view, it is also advantageous to know whether the patient has allergies to medications or to which blood group he or she belongs if the patient is unresponsive. This has already reached the point where NFC implant users can link their will to their chip and retrieve this with their smartphone. Many other possible applications can be found here.
The two essential functions of an NFC implant
NFC implant as access control
NFC data sharing implant
Open the front door, start the car or motorcycle, and all without a key. With our NFC implant, we open up the possibility of bringing the future into the present. Since each NFC implant has its own UID (serial number), it is possible to identify yourself on NFC-enabled devices. For this purpose, the fixed UID of the implant is taught to the device, so that the device knows whether you have access or not.
Since NFC is present in every current Android smartphone, the NFC implant offers a lot of possibilities and becomes a strong companion. The data sharing function is made possible by a small memory that is installed in the chipset. This memory is addressed when, for example. holds an NFC-equipped smartphone to the NFC implant. Of course, only you decide which data you want to share.
How exactly does an NFC implant work?
As already mentioned, at least one active transponder is required for data exchange. In most cases, you use an Android or Apple smartphone that supports NFC. The passive part, in this case the NFC implant, does not have its own energy source and therefore cannot disclose data independently. The active part, in this case the smartphone, emits an electromagnetic pulse via the NFC antenna in the direction of the NFC implant. When this 13.56 MHz pulse hits the antenna built into the NFC implant, this energy is sufficient to change the smartphone’s radiation in such a way that small data can be read. In the broadest sense comparable with an echo sounder.
What are the advantages of an NFC implant?
The implant can be used in many ways and most of the possibilities are far from exhausted. Since bspw. the MIFARE NTAG216® chipset can store small data and also has a UID (serial number), you use the NFC implant both as an identification feature and as a small data storage device that you can use as a business card or for sharing media. The UID allows to identify oneself at door locks based on NFC or to log in to PC applications with a corresponding NFC reader.
RFID and NFC implants
NFC implants are RFID implants but not necessarily the other way around. RFID is the main term and NFC is the specific technology standardized at 13.56 MHz. RFID can write to both 125 KHz and 134 KHz transponders. These are also referred to as LF (Low Frequency). More on the topic here.
Data protection – Is my data safe?
The purpose of the implant is to allow anyone to share data contactlessly without entering a password. The implant can be protected by a password, but this would severely limit its actual purpose. If you have to confirm this with a password after transferring the business card, the advantage no longer exists. Transmission is only possible over a few centimeters, and only data that has been independently stored on the chip can be read. NFC technology is also used in price tags to identify goods at the checkout and in various membership cards. No transponder can be located or read remotely. The smartphone with personal data, GPS, Internet and its own power source is a much larger and more interesting point of attack than the little data the implant can grasp. There is so little metal in an NFC implant that it is not even recognized at the airport.