ACR1281U-C2 Card UID Reader
ACR122U USB NFC Reader
ACR122S Serial NFC Reader
ACR1251U USB NFC Reader II
ACR123S Intelligent Contactless Reader
ACR123U Intelligent Contactless Reader
ACR1222L VisualVantage USB NFC Reader with LCD
ACR122L VisualVantage Serial NFC Reader with LCD
ACR1255U-J1 Secure Bluetooth® NFC Reader
Arduino Mifare RC522 Leser-Modul
Raspberry Pi Erweiterung NXP Explore-NFC-WW
ID Tronic EVO Desktop Reader
GAT Time 6100
GAT Time 6800
GAT TimeAxx 6150
ACR123S Intelligent Contactless Reader
ACR123U Intelligent Contactless Reader
ACR1222L VisualVantage USB NFC Reader with LCD
ACR122L VisualVantage Serial NFC Reader with LCD
GAT TimeAxx 6150
GAT Access 6500
GAT Access 6100
CES Omega Flex Mifare digital double knob cylinder
SALTO digital dual double cylinder GEO
SALTO XS4 Mifare mini escutcheon
eGeeTouch padlock V1
EVVA digital double cylinder ePrimo Air – Mifare (restricted)
Ticket Terminal Access 6600
This list has been created from the experience of users. We have not tested all products ourselves. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that these devices are actually compatible. If you are unsure, write to us using the contact form.
Indicators that could speak for a compatibility
MIFARE Ultralight® C
13,56 MHz
ISO 14443 A/B
ISO 14443 A
ISO 14443 – 3 A
ISO 14443 – 3 B
NTAG 210 / 212 / 213 / 215 / 216