Of course!
We are of the opinion that the environment concerns us all and therefore we as a StartUp are obliged to do our part to produce and ship as environmentally friendly as possible.
We are aware that as a small company we have no measurable impact on the environment. We only change the processes that fall within our area of responsibility.
Plastic reduction.
By adapting carton sizes and packaging methodology, we have managed to reduce plastic to a minimum. The plastic that is now still used is intended to protect sterilization, food or electronics. Cartons are mainly packed with paper banderoles instead of plastic tape.
From now on, we do not use additional cartons in cartons. A carton that provides sufficient protection makes a product carton obsolete and produces unnecessary waste. We ship our own brands, therefore directly without separate product packaging.
Free of charge climate neutral.
Even if you choose a free shipping method, we will ensure that the goods are shipped via the GoGreen program of Deutsche Post. All without extra charge.