The NFC chip implant for medical emergencies.

First aid is not always a piece of cake. Not even for trained personnel. If the patient is so wounded that it is unresponsive, first aid on the spot is a special challenge. Especially if the identity can not be established even with further treatment of a doctor. If the patient has an unaccompanied accident on vacation or in a swimming pool, the doctor does not receive the information needed to treat the patient optimally.

With an NFC chip implant, this information can be easily transferred to any NFC-enabled smartphone. Medical personnel do not even need an app to read out the data. The information is stored and retrieved as a text file on the NFC chip implant. The text file can be designed completely freely. Possible information may include:

  • Name
  • Blood group
  • Infectious diseases
  • Medication needed
  • Family doctor
  • Origin
  • Emergency contact person
  • Vaccinations / Expiration dates

Please keep in mind that anyone who scans your implanted site with their smartphone will have access to your data. Choose wisely what data you want to share and what need it has for first aid.

Required software

App NFC Tools

NFC Tools Playstore

Hardware needed

X2 NFC Chip Implant
X3 / X3 Elite Chip Implant

NFC capable smartphone

Required memory



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